Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Are you a robot?

It's the only thing that could keep you from smiling at this! I've been meaning to post this FOREVER, but dang it, I'm always rambling on about something else. Anyhoo, be sure your volume is up!

I swear, nobody gets this kid going like his Daddy. He's got the magic, giggly touch :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas from Team Martz!

I've never been a morning person. Now, it's my favorite time of the day. I love being awakened by the boy's rustling in his co-sleeper. He doesn't cry, he's just movin' and shakin'. I'll look over and he's usually trying to bust out of his swaddler. Or he's part way out and is just trying to make the final break. I undo the swaddler and watch his little arms immediately fly above his head as if to say, "I'm freeeeeee!" Then I pick him up and hold him close. He's so warm and it feels like an eternity since I held him last. It's a different type of break-fast and I love it. Steve will usually change his diaper while I get the bottle ready. Then it's smiley time. Sam is at his mostest smiliest in the morning and it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. He laughs, does little dances, smiles, hits the bottle, then usually goes back to sleep shortly thereafter. I swear, that boy is so dang adorable.

Bedtime is pretty awesome too. Sometimes when I hold Sam on my lap he'll gaze at me intently and I see the recognition in is eyes. After a good long stare, he smiles, not in a big cheesy way, but a sweet, simple way that seems to say, "Oh, hey Mommy." It just does something to me. Something wonderful that makes me feel loopy with happiness. I smile back and say, "Hi, sweetheart. I'm your mommy. You know how much I love you, don't you?" Then we read a book and go nite nite.

I'm wondering if Sam is getting kryptonite in those Synagis injections. I had a cold last week and was terrified I was going to pass it along to him. He's managed to stay well despite Steve, Auntie Maggie and I all getting colds. He is definitely Super Sam. We've all worn masks around him when at the peak of germiness. He doesn't seem scared of us, but does look a little confused when we're talking and he can't see our mouths. The worst part of having a cold? No smooches for 4 days! It was awful! I needs my sugar! I definitely made up for lost time when I was deemed germ free. I'm sure Sam was all, "Alright already with the kisses!!" Too bad, kid! It's your own fault for being so cute!

We kicked off our countdown to Christmas with a tour of Santa Cruz on the Holiday Lights Train last weekend with friends as you can see below.

From Holiday Train 2011

Sam enjoyed tailgating in the parking lot. Once on the train, he was lulled to sleep on his Daddy's chest, but later woke up to enjoy the Christmas carols. I've been feeling woefully unprepared for Christmas. It will be our best Christmas yet, but trying to prepare for it with a little one in tow is difficult. Finally got the tree decorated after it sat unadorned for almost 2 weeks. It looks quite beautiful. I can't believe I did it in about 30 minutes while Sam napped.

I absolutely hate shopping and this time of year makes it especially annoying. Auntie Maggie entertained Sam for a bit while I ran out and got stuff for my boys. I didn't quite get everything I needed, so Sam and I went out together later. We headed to Beltramo's, an awesome wine & spirits shop in Menlo Park for a few things (booze always make happy) and Sam was a well-behaved little cherub. He even did well at Stanford Shopping Center. I was in a panic in Williams Sonoma when I noticed one of his boots missing. I re-traced my steps and found it. In the car. Yay for that.

I'd fed Sam right before we left the house, so I thought I had a good long stretch to get stuff done. Well, he got hungry sooner than expected and had a major screamfest in the backseat while we were stuck in traffic making our last stop. I was completely frazzled and couldn't do much of anything from the front seat. The screaming continued. At stop lights, I managed to lean back far enough to get a paci in his mouth, but he was not interested AT ALL. This lack of interest in the paci will serve us well down the line. Not so much yesterday. He screamed and screamed and there was no consoling him. Then the traffic broke and we finally got moving. He fell asleep. Between all the screaming, the horrible traffic, people almost hitting me, my general hate of shopping and feeling like my gift choices sucked, my nerves were frayed. When I got home, I poured some wine in a glass and drank it down pretty much without taking a breath. Then Sam woke up and smiled at me and I felt like a completely guilty jerk. What's with that?? So, I managed to get some gifts for Sam and Steve and that was it. My apologies to everyone else. I will try to be better prepared next year.

One thing I did manage to almost get right was getting Christmas cards out on time. Notice I said almost. They arrived on Tuesday, a day earlier than expected. I got most of them addressed and in the mail the same day, BUT I didn't order enough and ran out. Apparently, I am still suffering from baby brain and cannot do simple math. GAH!!!!! I smartly avoided the post office line to get stamps. I walked right up to the customer service desk at Safeway and bought 80. American flag and Statue of Liberty stamps, but hey, they'll get stuff where they need to be. After sticking them on, I ran into the post office, dropped what I had and went on my merry way. I ordered more cards, but they won't arrive until right after Christmas, most likely. So close.

Steve picked up our Christmas Eve aged prime rib today. We will have our usual Yorkshire pudding and spinach along with it. We're still figuring out Christmas dinner, but I'm sure it will be equally fabulous. I'm happy to report I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I know this not from stepping on a scale, but from my work pants no longer giving me wedgies. We'll see if I can manage to maintain through the holidays. It's hard when your husband comes home with salted caramel butter cookies that I polished off in 2 days, then bakes loads of chocolate chip cookies from scratch. ::Sigh:: I plan to stay wedgie free in the New Year, damn it!

Team Martz is feeling so very happy and grateful this holiday season. We hope the season finds you and yours happy and healthy with hearts full of love. We wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Santa, you bore me.

Okay, so he wasn't bored. Just in a bit of a milk coma :-P

I thought this Santa was lovely. I later found out a friend of mine flipped him off in the Stanford Shopping Center parking lot after he nearly ran her down in his SUV. Come on now, Santa! Watch where you're goin'!

Sam was 15lb 4oz on Wednesday! He got his second Synagis shot and again it broke my heart to see him scream after he got stuck IN BOTH LEGS :( He clung to me afterwards and I felt just awful. He gets the 2nd half of his flu shot next week. Can a baby catch a break??

Strangely, the Nature Babycare Size 2 diapers are not much bigger than the size 1s. Sam seemed to grow out of them in like a week so, he's in size 3s already!!! Getting big too fast. Can I just keep him this size forever? Though today at work, I saw some tall guys from some sports team and thought of how neat it would be to see how tall Sam becomes. I think he's destined to be a giant.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Truly Thanksgiving

Last year, at the Thanksgiving table, I was feeling all sorts of little twinges. 2 days earlier, I'd had 2 little embryos placed in me, so I wondered what was percolating down there, hoping at least one hunkered down for the long haul. What a difference a year makes :) This Thanksgiving we made a pilgrimage of sorts back to Portland aka the scene of the crime. The day we stepped off the plane made exactly one year to the day the little embryo that became Sam was transferred to me. It was pretty dang cool to go back with our beautiful boy to show for all our efforts. Sam is thriving. He's strong and we are so in love with him.

The trip up couldn't have been more smooth. We popped into my office so some of my peeps there could meet Sam, then we were off through security. We breezed through the employee checkpoint and were headed up the escalator when I screamed out, "MY PURSE!!!" I ran down the up escalator and my purse was nowhere to be found. I realized I had left it in my office. The TSA folks were kind enough to let me use their phone to call a colleague to bring it down. Way to go, Stace! Anyhoo! Here's Sam on the plane. Doesn't he look comfy? LOL!

From Sam I Am

We boarded the plane with plans to give Sam a bottle on the ascent to help equalize his ears. Well, he started the bottle and was almost finished before we took off. That worked out well :-/ Then he fell asleep and didn't stir on the way up and it was all good. Midway through the flight, he decided he wanted to party, so we played for a bit. As we began our descent into Portland, he fell asleep again. We stayed put while everyone else disembarked. People walking by complimented us on our child and said they couldn't believe they didn't even realize there was a baby on the plane. We puffed up with pride :) Ann picked us up and we were off to enjoy our visit!

We started off our visit much like the previous year's - babysitting Nat and E while Ann and Mike went to Parent/Teacher conferences. Later, I ran a few errands with Ann and my boot decided to fall apart. Yes, you read correctly. The sole of my boot came off in the New Seasons parking lot and I was walking around like a lopsided doofus in the store. On the way back to the car, the rainwater soaked through the bottom to my socks. When I looked more closely, the sole of the other boot was close to coming off too. I hadn't worn these boots in ages and pulled them out thinking they'd be perfect for the trip. How did I not notice they were pieces of crap?? I said, "Um, ANN!!! I need shoes!" We went into Walgreens to try to find something cheap. No dice, so Ann took me to a trendy neighborhood shoe store where I purchased some fabulous, waterproof boots perfect for Portland and a pair of socks. $12 socks. On sale. They were the only socks available so I was SOL. Ann and I could not stop giggling about my ghetto boots whose remains were recycled at the shoe store. Hey, at least my boots didn't fall apart in the airport! That could have been disastrous and even more embarassing! I can't believe I'm about to show you this, but here it goes:

From Sam I Am

That evening, we had the great pleasure of driving a bit outside Portland to have dinner with our dear friends, The Gatlins and our new friend and Sam's maker, Dr. John Hesla of Oregon Reproductive Medicine. Getting there was dicey. I was driving a stick for the first time in years. I managed to get down the long driveway slooooowly. After a few blocks, I was driving like a pro and managed to not burn out the clutch. Woo hoo! Oh yeah, it was POURING (worst rain all year, we were told. Awesome) and I didn't know where I was going. I was terrified I was going to wreck the Kollrack's car. Side note... If you're on the freeway on your way to Warren, OR and see a bustling place called The Tavern and think it might be a good place to stop for a beer..Well, I guess it is a good place, if you want a lap dance to go with said beer. Keep drivin'! Anyway, I digress....We made it to Manny and Marna's and had so much fun! Marna couldn't wait to get her mitts on Sam. We chowed down on her kick ass chicken piccata (served with the most buttery mashed potatoes I've ever had) and shared some fantastic wine. It was such a joy to see Dr. H. What a lovely, sweet man. And there was something very special in seeing him hold Sam (picture above). It just felt like we'd come full circle. Lots o' love in the room. I am always amazed that just when I think we couldn't possibly be more blessed in the friend department, The Gatlins and Heslas of the world come along. Man, we are so, so lucky. It was pretty late when we headed back. The rain had mercifully halted for the time being. We got Sam to sleep in the co-sleeper Ann snagged from a friend and he slept through the night like the rock star baby he is.

We had a blast hangin' with our Portland family. The girls adored Sam and got plenty of cuddles in. For the most part, we did our usual things, which included eating (alot), drinking (eh, alot?), playing games with the girls (Life was the featured game this year) and many grown up games of slightly buzzed Boggle. Ann, being the consummate bartender, fixed me my first martini since my pre-pregnancy days, "Hello, lover. You're delicious and I've missed you.", I said to my cocktail.

From Sam I Am

No one mixes a drink like Annie PK. We also felt it our duty to help Ann and Mike make a dent in the huge ass bottle of scotch Mike had gotten his wife for her birfday. I'm happy and ashamed to say, we met our goal! A good time was had by all.

We enjoyed cooking our Thanksgiving dinner together and being thankful for good friends and an awesome baby. The only downer of the week was Florida losing, Oregon won (keeping Stanford out of the PAC 12 Championship), the Niners lost and my fantasy team lost! Not a good sports week for Team Martz!

The flight back wasn't quite as smooth. Sam didn't to sleep at first and was a bit screamy on the flight. Well, except for when he was mesmerized by the movie playing on the iPad belonging to the guy next to us. He wasn't screamy like crying. It was more like wondering what the heck was going on with his ears. He finally got worn out from all the walking he was doing on our laps and fell asleep shortly before we arrived at SFO. All in all, he did fantastically well. We can only hope future travel will be as easy.We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with lots to celebrate.

Let the holiday season begin! We got a tree last week and have yet to decorate it, so that's our goal for the weekend. Our house smells great, but without it being decorated, it just doesn't feel like Christmas is coming, you know? We will be on it this weekend! I leave you with one of my favorite Christmas songs, Harry Connick's rendition of This Christmas. Enjoy!