Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I know, I know. It's been FOREVER! Been working on an update to cover the past few months, which have been CAH-RAZY. Will try to post over the weekend. In the meantime, we'd like to give you a quick bit of most excellent news. Team Martz officially has a new place to call home! We are East Bayers, taking up residence in the Redwood Heights neighborhood in Oakland. We'd been searching since last summer and getting to this point has been a daunting experience, but worth it all in the end. The neighborhood is chock full of kiddos, walking distance from a great playground and a stellar elementary school. We've met quite a few neighbors and have heard tales of block parties, Margarita Mondays, playdates and Halloween being a blast for the kids. It's exactly what we wanted for Sam (except for the margaritas ;-) and the reason we weren't very interested in any other neighborhood. Oh, and I failed to mention the BEST part! Our dear friends, our familia, The Hoffers are a short walk away. It was absolutely one of our top reasons for choosing Redwood Heights. Hey Guys! You can't move. EVER. Are we clear on that? Good :)

We look forward to you all visiting us in the near future! A few more photos here... If you don't have flash, click the photo gallery tab to the right.

From Detroit Ave!
Isn't she lovely?!

From Detroit Ave!

From Detroit Ave!
Sam is already feeling at home :)

From Detroit Ave!
Our celebratory bubbly!