Thursday, November 22, 2012



It's Thanksgiving! Seems like a good time to reflect and think about all we're thankful for, right? First and foremost, I (and I'm sure I can speak for Steve) am thankful for the joy that is Sam. He is healthy and happy (except for the current snotty nose). He's turned into this little person with an actual personality. I remember people used to say how serious he always looked (see Team Martz Christmas card 2011). He's now a smiley, funny little character. He is sometimes so sweet. Especially when he puts his little arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. I'm not sure there's any better feeling in the world. I still feel this way when he's driving me insane. His hug (and sometimes some wine) makes all the frustration disappear. Watching him learn new things is equally heartwarming and entertaining. Last night, I was sick and exhausted and he was refusing to eat, but then he tried to say blueberry and I just cracked up! Everything he says sounds so dang cute.

In addition to being super cute, he is also super smart. And I'm not just saying that! Before we went on vacation, Jr. had his check up with the developmental specialist. He was 14 months adjusted age at the time and was expected to test out at that age. Well, he far surpassed that. His language expression skills are that of a 19 1/2 month old. In almost every other area, he was testing closer to his chronological age of 17 1/2 months old. Impressive! There are a couple areas where he's still closer to his adjusted age. For instance, he is not wanting to transition to a sippy cup so much. I think we've bought at least 5 and he doesn't really like any of them. He's more interested in turning them upside down and shaking them. I learned this the hard way after giving him a sippy cup of milk in the car. However, I'm long past stressing about that sort of thing. I know he'll get it down in his own time.

Sam loves to dance. CUTE! He loves to clap his hands. CUTE! He is now an expert at what I call the bashful look. CUTE! He's a huge flirt and is always saying hi to random women wherever we go. He will come to us saying, "Book!", while trying to climb into our laps. Oh yeah, he's climbing like a monkey and likes to do things like jump up and down on the couch like a maniac before I can stop him. He says Dad and Dada all the time and knows Steve is the guy. Though it usually requires some prompting, he says Mama. He knows that's me, but for some reason just doesn't say it much. When he does though, it melts my heart. He knows who his Grandma is. When we were down south, I'd ask him, "Sam, can you say Grandma?" He wouldn't say it, but he'd crane his neck to see her wherever she was.

The not so cute stuff? Well, he's doing that fake whining/crying thing now. He'll sometimes cling to us saying, "Up!", then when we pick him up he wants to get down. He will do this over and over again. He also likes to have spaghetti legs and just fall out on the floor in tantrum mode. He is willful as all get out and gets a huge kick out of testing limits. He sometimes throws food and and likes to make that pbbbbtttttt sound that sends spit flying everywhere. This had me busy with paper towels and a bottle of hand sanitizer cleaning the waiting area at a recent doctors visit.

Despite all that, he is our perfect little boy and we are so very thankful for him. He brings his special brand of happy to our lives and we love him more than we ever could've imagined. I'm regularly astonished by how far he's come.

Baby boy, you are and will always be what we are most thankful for. We love you so much!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Fruit didn't fall far

So funny, just had to post. Do they not have the same exact expression on their faces?? Those are my boys!! Lol!
And Sam just looks insane in this one:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Family Vaca Down South

Just back from visitin' our kin and BOY, did we have a great time!  First off, it was awesome for Steve, the boy and I to have that family time together. Secondly, Steve's family is just awesome and it's always so wonderful to see them.

We stayed with Steve's Aunt Diane and Uncle Dave. Let me tell you, nicest hotel in all of Northern Georgia. The hills of Hiawassee, to be exact. They always make us feel so welcome. Amazingly, of all the places we went, they had the most baby proof house and Sam ran WILD there. No pitter patter of little feet.  Straight up STOMPS.

They have 3 rescue dogs, Annie, Maddy and Sable. Annie and Maddy were all over Sam.  He positively shrieked with delight when they tried to get kisses in. Annie in particular became very attached to Sam. Very protective. If she perceived me being mean to Sam, (saying BOO, or ROWWRR),  she got very upset and barked at me. Scared the crap out of me a couple of times, but it was still sweet. Some nights, when she escaped Dave & Diane's room, I could hear her lay down outside our bedroom door.  True love, I say. Maddy does the funniest thing. She actually smiles! It's so freakin' hilarious! I tried to capture it on film, but it just looks like she's angry and about to eat someone. Anyhoo, that is one happy doggie!


As usual there was a whole lotta great food consumed. Uncle Dave was a breakfast makin' fool. French toast and pancakes seem to be his specialty.  One day, when we knew the weather was suppose to be crummy, we stayed in and Steve, his Mom and Aunt D cooked up a Polish feast Mom/Grandma would be  proud of.  There was always plenty of wine flowin' and we never tired of just sitting around chit chattin' and enjoying each other's company.


Here's the view from the house, btw, though the picture really doesn't do it justice.

Next up, Sam got to meet his Aunt Lynola and Uncle Erik in North Carolina! They have 2 cuties of their own, Lukas (age 6) and Miss Emma (age 3). You'd think the big kids wouldn't be that interested in playing with a little guy like Sam. I was so wrong. They were having a blast together. And Lukas told us, "Don't worry. I'll take really good care of him." Seriously, how cute is that? They tore up the kids' room together and ran amok. We had a great game of hide and seek too! Oh, and it was my first time meeting Steve's brother too. It was both cool and weird to see this whole other adult human that looks so much like Steve.  Sam took to Erik instantly and Erik seemed completely smitten with his nephew, who he always calls Samuel :)


I swear, I think Steve's Mom could've just burst with happiness to have her 2 boys and all her grandchildren in the same room. It was a sight to see. Heres's a family shot.

The kids all got together again at Grandma's house and were all sad to say goodbye. I hope it won't be so long until Sam gets to play with his first cousins again. And yes, this is how they roll at Grandma's. She let's them stand on stuff! Lol!

Next stop, Rogersville, Tennessee! Time to see Team Siclari aka Aunt Teeny, Uncle Les and cousins Megan and Derrick! They have a whole bunch of acres in beautiful country. I looked up when we arrived at the house and thought I was in a scene from Little House on the Prairie.

Such a great, old house. Here Sam got to sit on a horse AND tractor! The sheep (which he calls baaaaas),wouldn't have anything to do with him, but that didn't stop him from chasing them. Curiously, we were initially listening to Led Zeppelin and classic rock in the kitchen while we broke out more wine and had another feast. Cousin Derrick came over with his new wife, Jordan. And Cousin Megan, who I've gotten to know on Facebook, arrived later. It was a great night of laughin' and talkin'.


The next day we made it over to Derrick and Jordan's for lunch and ATV ridin'!! Wooooo hooooo! So, yeah....Sam got to sit on a horse, a wagon, a tractor AND an ATV. LOL!!!! We were definitely doing it country style! Steve persuaded me to get on. I mostly just drove in a circle. I finally got up the courage to go down a hill on their land by the main road. Some people drove by and probably thought they were imagining things seeing me riding an ATV. LOL! Pretty funny.



Sam go to play in a big ol' pile of leaves and loved it! I was sure he'd be so bored when he got home. No dogs, no horses, no piles of leaves. Just a lazy, yowling cat. Poor kid. Anyway, he enjoyed it while it lasted.


Derrick is 20 years Steve's Jr. and just got married a few months ago. Check out their wedding rings:

Crazy coincidence, huh?? And yet another family photo


After our whirlwind visit to Tennessee, it was back to the house on the hill. We did so many things during our visit. True to form, we hit a winery in Hayesville, NC. We visited Mercier Orchards, . Lucky for us, they'd just opened up a tasting room where we could sample their hard cider. Seriously, wherever we go, we always find the booze! The week went by way too fast. We were exhausted but happy when we arrived home (traveling with a toddler and all his crap on a plane is a story for another blog). Wonderful connections and memories made. Martzes, Siclaris and Baggetts, we love you so much! Can't wait to see you again!!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

We're Baaackkk!

Hey there! It's been awhile, hasn't it? I cannot BELIEVE what a slacker I have been in maintaining this blog.  As you can see, it's been moved from it's original location.  That took awhile. I obviously haven't moved all the previous posts, but I'll get to that.  For now, I'm going to focus on doing a quick catch up titled What Team Martz Did This Summer.  And Fall.

A couple of major happenings. First, Sam is on the run!  He started taking steps around 11 months adjusted after a month or so of solid cruising.  Check him out:

It's so funny to see him go from those tentative steps to this:

So, there's that.

The 2nd major happening....Sam was transitioned from nanny to daycare on August 1st! He had the best nanny on the face of the planet, but it became clear he was needing some socialization. He was always so curious with other kids and had great fun hanging out with them.  I gotta tell you, the first few weeks were BRUTAL.  Sam always does so well in social situations. He's always happy to be held by just about anyone for long periods of time.  But I guess it's different knowing we're not near by.  Steve drops off and I pick up.  As soon as Sam spotted me in the afternoon, he'd burst into tears, walking toward me with outstretched arms. It was absolutely heart wrenching.  His eyes were red, so it was evident he was crying and unhappy during the day. I felt like crap for doing it to him. He settled in after about 3 weeks.  I would show up and peek through the window to see what he was up to.  You know what he was up to? Playing his arse off! He was having a blast! Great for him to be in an enviroment where he can just rage, run, jump and climb stuff.  Occasionally, he'll still cry if he sees me and I don't get to him quickly enough, but now I think it's because he doesn't want me to know just how much fun he's having.

Other fun things this summer..Team Martz went camping! Yes, you read correctly.  Steve was quite the camper before me. I hadn't been in ages. I was tentative about taking Sam, being so little and all, but our friends totally talked us into it. I'm glad they did. We had such a great time! Sam loved getting in the lake to float around.  The boat wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. He also had alot of fun romping in the tent too. Good times! We also got up to Chalet Sommerfield in Arnold for more boating adventures. My favorite part of the day was late afternoon when we were just cruising around the lake. Sam fell asleep in my arms and we just snuggled for a good, long stretch.  Normally, I'm trying to get so much done while he sleeps.  Having that time with him was so sweet.

Next up, Halloween! Here's our little guy at Webb Ranch Pumpkin Patch and dressed as the scariest monster ever!!

He had his choice to be a monkey, pirate or monster and he chose monster, so there you go.

Oh! We also went to the NICU graduation party! How could I forget that! That was an awesome day. We got to see the amazing Dr. William Benitz. He was the first doctor we had contact with in those first few critical days. He told us Sam was doing remarkably well, all things considered. He asked a couple times if we were sure about the date of conception. Um, yeah. After all the orchestration, we were sure. But I digress. He tried to assure us the frail little creature we were hovering over was a fighter. He was right.
This is our favoritest nurse, Cara. She was Sam's guardian angel. Some people are just meant to do what they do. Cara has this deep love for these little beings that is just otherwordly. We love her dearly.
And this is Patty! When Sam made it to the step down nursery, Patty was his primary. Boy, do we love us some Patty. She was so good to Sam and so kind to us. She really showed us the ropes as far as learning to do the basic things we'd need to know at home. Patty had to work the day of the party, so we brought Sam to her.
It was the first time I'd been at LPCH and didn't have that feeling. I don't know how to describe it so well. I guess it feels kinda like someone has my heart in their hand and is squeezing it. I feel anxious and a little short of breath. And on the verge of tears. Hopefully, that means I made it to the other side of sadness and grief that wracked me for so long. It wasn't an easy road, but with some help, I just may have made it there :)
Took a quick trip to the coast to meet up with friends in town from the UK. This is quite possibly one of the most beautiful pictures I've ever taken.
They look like they're the only 2 people in the world, don't they? I could see and feel the love between them so strongly in that moment.

There are many more things to cover, but unfortunately, most of them have fallen out of my brain :-/ Proof positive why I need to keep this blog up. When my toddler-addled brain is failing me, I can always refer back here. So, I'll see you again soon! No more slacking! Oh, hey!  Forgot to mention....Our new email addresses have been up and running for a few months now, which most of you know.  We can now be reached at , get the picture. Sam loves to receive email, by the way.  He broke the R on my laptop keyboard in excitment over an email from his Auntie Ann.

Okay, that is all.  Til next time.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Catching Up

From blog photos
As usual, it's been a crazy time since my last post. It just goes by so fast! I really need to stop saying that. It's just a given.
So, what's new (now old)? Oh! One thing I forgot to mention in my last post was having to kick the co-sleeper to the curb awhile ago. Here's what happened...I put Jr. down for a nap and went to the living room to make a phone call. Just as I finished up, his monitor beeped (we have an Angel Care), which indicates there's no movement in the co-sleeper. As I swiftly walked toward the bedroom, it started beeping furiously (Hey!! There's no movement in here!! Your kid may not be breathing!!), so I ran the short distance there. I looked in the co-sleeper. It was empty. WTF?? I glanced over and Sam had crawled 2/3 of the way across the bed. He apparently was trying to make a break for it through the bedroom window. He looked at me almost sheepishly, as if to say, "What I do??!" So, we're done with the co-sleeper. I dreaded the day coming. I loved having my little guy right next to me. But the head-cracking potential is too great, so sadly, we said goodbye and put him in a maximum security facility. Also, Jr. has decided he likes sleeping on his stomach now, which initially TERRIFIED me. I tried rolling him over in the middle of the night. All that did was piss him off and he'd eventually end up on his stomach again after falling back asleep. I learned to turn his head without waking him so he wasn't face planting. Now, he is finally sleeping in acceptable positions and I'm not worried he's going to suffocate himself.
Sam has been partying in his pack n play. It's a nice place to plop him when he needs to be contained while I get stuff done around the house. We'll see how long this lasts. Lately, he loves to hang off the side rail and try to climb out. His feet will literally be off the bottom and on the side of the pack n play Spiderman style. Sam is standing up on his own quite a bit and balances pretty well. He'll crawl over to me and grab my legs, then shirt to pull himself up. Then he stands and lets go. He looks at me like, "Mom! Can't you even believe I just did that?!" It's neat to see him so excited about it! I think he's going to take off running any day now. He's already climbing on/over stuff and has made it over the back of the couch. The kid is fearless. Maybe he needs to wear a helmet. Here he is demonstrating his new skills:

On the topic of skills, Sam is becoming quite the chatty Cathy these days. He very clearly said dada the other day (not even close on mama). However, he said it to me, so he obviously doesn't get what it means yet. He will soon though! One thing he says very consistently is Bob. We don't know who Bob is. Maybe an imaginary friend? :-P Or I do play alot of Bob Marley during bath time. In any event, it's his favorite word at the moment.
The mystery that is Sam's hair took a new twist, literally. He has exactly 1 curl! A tiny tendril just behind his left ear. It is so freakin' cute. He still has blonde hair growing in, but combined with his darker hair, it all looks kinda sandy.
Sam broke the control button on my laptop. I think he's trying to tell me something....
Craptacular 4.0 was in full effect this week. It was epic. Unfortunately, Aunt Maggie was Sam's victim. She kept an eye on him the other day while I ran errands. Sam was standing up holding onto the couch and Maggie could hear him lettin' loose. In a split second, he managed to get both of his hands down in his diaper and they came up poopy. Maggie grabbed his arms to keep him from getting it everywhere. Well, where he did manage to get it was all over her. There was sh*t EVERYWHERE. She got him to the changing table, destroyed that. Clothes destroyed. Oh, and here's the fun part..He grabbed her hair with his sh*tty little hands. DOH!!!!!! She stripped him down and bathed him. Then it was into the pack n play with him while she showered and shampooed the crap out of her hair. Awesome, right? It's actually kinda hilarious, but in the moment, not so much :-P Sorry, Maggie! When I arrived home, there was a pile of crappy clothes and stuff on the back patio. Um, sorry I missed the fun? Meh. Maybe not!
Sam had a brief funny period where he'd give me raspberries on my legs. We both thought it was hilarious. Then one day I felt his teeth and that was done. By the way, he is growing teeth like a champ. He has FOUR all growing in at once on the top. Maybe 5. He seems to still be pretty good-natured about it all, then he was a monster a couple of days ago and whined alot, so they may have been bothering him. I gave him a little dose of ibuprofen to ease the pain and help him sleep better. He definitely slept more soundly that he had the past few nights.
And now, on to a controversial subject - SLEEP TRAINING!! Sam's sleeping through the night hit the skids when he got his first cold. He also wasn't eating or drinking well. He briefly got another short cold not too long after. He was waking up every 90 mins to 2 hours for weeks and we were BEAT. One particularly bad night, when I heard him getting started at 2am, I literally started to cry, I was so exhausted. I was worried I was going to drop him. Some nights, a shorty was the only thing that would calm him, but that made us feel like we were taking a step in the wrong direction and establishing a bad habit, a crutch. After consulting with his pediatrician, we initiated sleep training once he was well. The routine we established was putting him down at his usual time around 7:30-8 after his last bottle of the night. He generally goes down well. Then he'd wake up 1-2 hours later screaming. I'd go in, give him the remainder of his bottle if he wanted it, cuddled him, then put him back down and let him cry it out. It was horrible. Steve and I sat on the couch feeling like crap. Exhausted pieces of crap. But guess what? After 3 nights, it got way better and he really hit his stride on the 4th night. After his first wake up, he'd whimper for a couple minutes then was out for the night. Now, he's not waking up at all until morning. I've even been able to dial back his bedtime to 7. He generally sleeps through until 6, though this week, he's been pulling shenanigans around 5:30 just for kicks. I'm trying to counter that by going to bed earlier. Over all though, he's a smart little dude and he has this program down. Even through his last cold, when he had a majorly snotty nose, he ate, drank and slept, well, like a baby. Last weekend, I struck up a conversation with a mom at Whole Foods whose daughter just started sleeping through the night at 14 months. I can't even imagine.
Mother's Day this year was fantastic! So much better than last year's! Steve and Sam really did right by me. I got some cute cards (one with an outline of Sam's hand), an enlarged framed photo of the boy and me. Also Steve managed to get me a pair of shoes that match some that Sam has, so we can be twinsies! Very cute. We will model them for you below. We also had a great brunch at the Empire Tap Room in Palo Alto, my old stomping grounds. It's funny that I spent much of my 20s at the bar there and am now returning for Mother's Day Brunch. And I'm the Mother!! I ran into the owner, Josie, and we talked about the good (?) ol' days. I've decided Bloody Marys are the Mother's Day drink of choice and the Tap Room's are only 2nd to the Zuni Cafe's.
From blog photos
The best gift of all though was Steve's parents being in town! Yipppiiieee! We had SUCH a good time hanging out. I love watching them love on Sam aka Puddin' according to Grandma. We did some fun stuff. Headed up to Napa for the day for winetasting and a classic car show (right up Grandpa's alley). Grandma and Grandpa got to visit a couple joints seen on Diners, Drive Ins & Dives. Other than that, we just relaxed on the patio and played with Jr. Steve's Dad asked, "So, what was your Dad like?" He was truly interested and asked alot of questions about him. It was so nice for me to have the opportunity to talk about my Pop. It meant alot to me. Seeing Sam with his Grandpa was wonderful, but also made me wistful, missing my Dad, imagining how he would interact with Jr. ::sigh:::
From blog photos
I was super sad to see the folks go, but will look forward to seeing them in the Fall. Sam will get to meet his Uncle Erik and Aunt Lynola, his first cousins, Lukas and Emma and a whole bunch more folks that have been cheering for him from afar this last year. I absolutely can't wait.
Next up, Father's Day! Hopefully I won't be writing about it a month later! I have a couple up things up my sleeve and hope Daddy will be pleased.
When I logged on to the blog this morning, I learned we welcomed our 10,000th visitor sometime in the past month! That's just amazing to me! Thanks for popping in. It means the world to us that you check in to see how Jr. is gettin' along. We love ya!
I leave you with this treat....
From blog photos

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Super Sam is 1!

From blog photos

Hey there! Team Martz has reached a major milestone. Our little dude turned ONE last week! I can hardly believe this is the case, but it’s true. This year has flown by with a swiftness I never could’ve imagined.

Last week was very emotional. Lots of happy tears, lots of sad ones. I often wanted to just hug the stuffing out of that boy. On his actual birthday, I was on the floor playing with him. He’s super active and squirmy these days and doesn’t sit still for long. I started getting choked up and told him, “Mommy needs a cuddle.” I held him close. He was still and just relaxed into me. It’s like he just knew exactly what I needed. I breathed in his baby smell, stroked his hair and rocked him. We stayed that way for a couple of minutes. Then it was back to business as usual for him – crawling around shoving everything in his mouth.

That night, Daddy and I had a little cupcake for him, which he promptly smashed to bits, flinging crumbs everywhere. I couldn’t get through the Happy Birthday song without crying. Later, after he went down for the night, we toasted him with a little Dom at exactly at 9:08, the time of his birth, then couldn’t help but take a stroll down memory lane. We remembered Steve’s terrifying ride from Marin to the hospital in Burlingame after my water broke. He thought it was game over and dreaded what would be waiting for him. We remembered watching American Idol 2 nights later waiting for our favorite contestant to perform, but discovering my cord had prolapsed and all hell broke loose.

Everything happened so fast after my cord prolapsed (10 minutes from discovery to delivery). My room filled up with doctors and nurses as we heard calls for stat this and that over the loudspeaker. A nurse hopped on my bed, shoved her hand all the way up in me to hold Jr. up so he wouldn’t compress the cord and cut off his oxygen supply. I winced in pain. I remember still not being clear on what exactly was about to take place and asked a nurse in a trembling voice, “Are you going to deliver him??” She gravely replied, “Oh yes.” I looked at Steve and the fear we both felt was palpable. I told him, “It’s just too soon.” Then everyone took off running for the O.R. (nurse’s hand still up my hoo ha) where they prepped me for an emergency c-section. There was no time for Steve to gown up and get in there, so he stood at the door and just kept saying, “I’m right here. I’m right here.” One thing I never knew until recently is Steve was standing there in his socks. There was zero time to think about putting on shoes. It would almost be funny if it weren’t so tragic.

I remember a really nice black woman, a nurse, with some kind of head scarf on having me drink something she said would neutralize the acid in my stomach. She told me I was doing great. Her voice was very steady and calm. I don’t remember the faces of anyone else in there, including the doctor who delivered Sam. Soon, the doors closed and Steve stood there wondering if his son would come out alive or if he’d be called in to say goodbye. In his socks.

I remember coming to and being so out of it, but asking if our son was alive. Eventually, my entire bed was rolled into the NICU so I could meet our son. He was so tiny, it seemed impossible that he had survived. That was the beginning of Sam’s 110 day stay.

We were there at his bedside day in and day out. We sat there and talked to him, read to him, sang to him, prayed for him and feared for his life. We were glued to the monitors displaying his vital stats. We’d see his oxygen saturation levels drop, he’d stop breathing and we’d have to rub his back and shake him a little to get him to breathe again. Every single day. Many times a day. He had so many setbacks and close calls, it’s astonishing he came through it. He kicked ass. To look at him now is to see a true Miracle. Our sweet boy who is so strong, so beautiful. There are still telltale signs of his battle. He’s got so many little scars on his hands and feet from the countless IVs, the delicate scar on his back from his PDA surgery. Though he is doing great, I will always see those scars and my heart will break a little.

We so looked forward to Sam’s birthday party. It was so humbling and so wonderful to see so many of the faces of those that supported us during the darkest time of our lives. Though there were tears, it was a day full of joy. And tacos. As many of you know, we came *this* close to having a crazy taco truck wedding complete with a mariachi band and buckets of Corona for centerpieces. Clearly, we went in a different direction, but the fun idea always remained in the back of our minds. And hey, it sure was an easy way to feed a HUNDRED people. You read correctly. There were more people at Sam’s party than at our wedding! LOL! Anyhoo, we couldn’t have ordered up a more perfect day. The weather was great, the food was great and we totally felt the love. We felt deeply satisfied and blessed. Btw, a very special thanks to Lamya & Scott for making Sam’s awesome Superman cake! It was absolutely perfect! Sam enjoyed destroying it. The way it smooshed between his fingers was quite fascinating to him.

I realize this post is all over the place, but that’s pretty much how we felt the last week. We would like to thank each and every one of you for the endless supply of love and support we received this past year. There were days that your texts, emails and phone messages lifted us up when we were struggling. We will FOREVER be grateful. We will never forget the blessing of your friendship.

Finally, to Sam…We know you will one day read this. Know that your Mommy and Daddy love you beyond measure. We are so very proud you are our son. The night you were born you filled our hearts to bursting. You make Team Martz complete. Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

From blog photos

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The March Wrap Up

Well, hey there! Feels like forever since I've been here with an update. 3 or 4 weeks have flown by since my last blog and I failed to jot down all the little things I'd usually share, so I'll stick to the big stuff. I will also be assaulting you with videos because Jr. has been doing some really cute and funny stuff.

First off, Sam finally had his appointment with the pediatric neurologist in mid March. We were concerned about the risk of cerebral palsy due to the minor stiffness he has in his legs. I'm happy to report the neurologist believes there's no way he'll have CP. She said he may not be the most flexible guy in the world, but big deal! She added that he's doing fantastically well for a term baby, let alone a 24 weeker. So, a glowing report and a HUGE sigh of relief for us. It was the last major physical preemie hurdle we needed to get over. We'll still continue to do stretches with him to increase flexibility in case he decides he wants a career with Cirque du Soleil. We will hopefully also soon get an appointment with a physical therapist to see if they have any tips for his in-home treatment. Btw, the boy weighed in at 19 pounds at that appointment. He's just a chunk.

So, our world is about to chance dramatically. Here's why:

Since that video was shot last week, Sam's started using his knees more and is getting around faster and faster. It will soon be time to break out the baby gates and fences. And everything that ain't bolted down, will have to be moved out of reach. Parents, you feel me, right? It's about to hit the fan in a major way. Exciting that our boy is doing that whole growing up thing so well, but terrifying is the prospect of having to chase him down. This should be fun! We already knew Sam had a perky personality, but we're seeing just how much energy he has. A lot. I see a little maniac developing. He absolutely LOVES to jump up and down, check this out:

Another funny little thing....Sam's hair is growing in blonde! Brown at the tips, blonde at the roots and he looks like he has a weird dye job and bald spots. We wondered what the texture of his hair would be. I always envisioned a boy with big brown curls, but it's been pretty straight. Now throw in the blonde and it's going to be extra fun to see how it turns out! Guess it shouldn't be much of a surprise since Daddy looked like this:

On a bummer note, Sam got his first cold a couple of weeks ago! Boooooo! I was always so worried about him getting sick, given his compromised immune system. Poor little guy had a snotty, stuffy nose and couldn't breeve very well. The first night, he was up and down around the clock. We had a routine - suction out nose, put boy down, boy sleeps for an hour, boy can't breathe, boy wakes up. Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. And let me tell you, he HATED getting the snot sucked out of his nose. I had a pretty good method for holding him down while doing it, but his whole face, no wait, his whole HEAD turned completely red and he screamed his fool head off. He would usually stop his fussin' and be pretty happy as soon as I stopped, but for the times I had to go at it for awhile to get a ton out, he cried and seemed pretty pissed at me afterwards. Really seemed to be holding a grudge! Anyhoo, over all, his cold wasn't that bad and I'm starting to think his immune system is pretty damn strong. Aside from the snot and a fever that lasted about a minute, he did just fine. By the way, Steve & I both got sick too. It was loads of fun. Fortunately, we're all better now!

Here's the last of the videos. Sam hasn't seemed to like meat much. Or maybe it's the chunkier texture of the food? I decided to give beef stew a whirl the other day. Here's how it turned out:

I tried again the next day:

It was right out of the fridge and cold, but he chowed down!

So, now that we're all pretty healthy, we are looking forward to lots of celebrating at the end of the month! Happy Birthday, Anton! Happy Birthday, Santiago! Happy Birthday, Matty! Happy Birthday, Franklin! And Happy Birthday, Sam! April is going to rock!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

10 1/2 Months

Well, I planned to post an update for Sam's 10 month milestone a couple of weeks ago. As usual, time was not on my side. Seems like the simplest tasks easily fall by the wayside. One of these days, I will get the hang of all this and be a super efficient mommy machine that's able to work, make dinner (meaning not just warm up something in the freezer), get all the laundry done before it piles up and pay more attention to my cat, who has seriously got dementia.

So, Sam is 10 1/2 months now. 10 1/2 months!!!! I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that he came crashing into this world almost a year ago. We are planning his birthday party. It all just seems so unreal. We will soon have a 1 year old. I can't tell you how many parents told me, "It goes by so fast!" I never could have imagined the warp speed with which the past 10 1/2 months have flown by after the excruciatingly slow 110 NICU days. Once Sam came home, it just flew and I have trouble remembering the tiny thing he was and that baby look he had. A few nights ago, I was watching him sleep and saw that look and just smiled.

As the 1 year mark draws near, I'm going to start losing it more and more. Earlier in the week, I was giving Sam his last bottle of the night. My Caspar Babypants (Thanks, Wendy!) Pandora station was playing in the background. I was thinking how nuts it seems that we have a birthday party coming up for this not-so-little guy going on 19 pounds and started feeling so weepy. Then a song caught my ear with lyrics that really resonated with me. It went like this:

Welcome to this world
Whether you're ready or not
Welcome to this world
Come give it all that you got
Before you know it you'll be
Singing right back to me
Welcome to this world

Uncanny timing for that song to coincide so well with the thoughts I was having at that moment. I held my boy close and just cried my heart out, feeling so grateful and so lucky, but wishing time would just slow down so I could savor each moment with him a little longer. Hard to do when there aren't enough hours in the day and so much else that has to get done just to get from one day to the next. I'm going to try much harder to burn every little thing he does into my memory.

I will try to do this even when the things he is doing are driving me a batty. Lately, his writhing on the changing table is just out of control. Before getting him in the bath recently, I tried to cut his eagle talon toenails. He kicked and squirmed and kicked some more. I gave him his little stuffed giraffe, hoping it would distract and calm him. Well, he proved to be quite the multi-tasker. He was able to keep kicking and wriggling while beating on me with his giraffe. Seriously beating the crap out of me. Relentlessly. ::sigh::

Sam had an eye exam on Tuesday. The doc checked for signs of near or far sightedness. All went well and his peepers are just great! He also had an in home session with a developmental nurse on Wednesday. As usual, Sam is ahead of his adjusted age of 7 months in nearly every way. I asked for tips on gettng his lazy butt to roll over more. What the nurse shared with me produced immediate results. Amazing! So, the one area where Sam was lagging a bit is now coming up to speed quickly. Oh, another thing...He is scooting around army commando style really well! Crawling won't be far behind. Guess we better start thinking about babyproofing, huh?

Sam has spoken his first official words and they are uh oh. He said it the day before we headed up to Arnold for Presidents Day weekend. He was on the couch between Steve and me and out it came, clear as day. We whipped our heads around and looked at each other like did you hear that??? Of course, we thought it was a total fluke, but he keeps saying it, so uh oh it is. He's also making the ba and boo sounds and likes to do that pffffffttt! thing with his mouth that sends spit everywhere.

We continue to do battle with solid foods. Though hummus made him hurl, he likes most everything he's been given. Let me correct that....He likes most everything he's given when he's in the mood. I don't understand how he can like something so much one day and completely reject it the next. He's the king of pursing his little lips and has even learned to smile without opening his mouth, despite my best efforts to get him to open up. Sometimes he will polish off 4 ounces of food in a sitting and will barely take a couple of spoonfuls at other times. It's maddening! So, instead of stressing about it, I'm just going to let him dictate the pace (like I have a choice). Eventually, he'll eat more. He's growing at a good steady clip and that's good enough for me.

Mr. Two Teef is working on number 3, which seems to be coming in quickly. His pediatrician said we should start brushing his teeth or using a washcloth to rub them clean. Yeah, that's easy. He does NOT like it. I try to do it after his last bottle. You'd think it would be easier since he's tired then, but oh no. He's easily able to muster the strength to make it a fight. Oy. I'm sure my friend's kids with perfectly fine teeth had the same battles, so again, I'm just not going to stress.

Sam got to see his partner in crime, Santiago, recently! He is growing by leaps and bounds too. Here are the two buddies together.

Santiago was born 1 week earlier than Sam, on Steve's mom's birthday! April is going to be an awesome month of celebrations :)

Here's Sam doing his new favorite thing. He just LOVES this jumpy thing! Goes absolutely bananas in it.

So, I guess we're all caught up now and it's way past my bedtime. Turn the volume up on your computer and enjoy Welcome To This World. Nite all!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

9 Month Check Up

I thought I was over sharing poop stories with you, but dang! If they keep comin', how can I not?? While enjoying a nice lunch out at our new favorite restaurant, Calafia, with our friend Michael visiting from London last Sunday, Steve was playing with Sam and he tooted (Sam, not Steve). Or so he thought. Sam later slept in his car seat for a bit. When he woke, I picked him up and knew something was amiss when I felt his wet back. I was actually confused for a moment, then I realized we had an up-the-backer. I knew this wasn't going to be easy to change in the car, so I just packed him up and took him home, 10 minutes away. I put him on the changing pad on his stomach. First, I unsnapped the onesie and lifted it up. Dear God. Crap everywhere. If the onesie weren't brand new, I would've considered just cutting it off of him. Anyway, I wiped all the poop off the onesie, then wiped off his back. Then I pulled the diaper down and got started on the butt area. It was slow going and Sam kept kicking his feet right into the poop. After much finagling and what had to be a half pack of wipes, he was clean. But then I had to get the onesie over his head and not get crap in his hair. FAIL. Into the bath he went. Unlike the last major blowout, this time my phone was handy and I did send pictures to Steve who was shuttling Michael to Scotts Valley. He seemed to think it was funny. This was seriously the worst, messiest crap on record. I hope it's the last, but I've had too many friends with older kids tell me I ain't seen nothin' yet. Awesome.

So, Jr. had his 9 month check up last Monday and is doing great! He weighed in at 17lbs 13oz, 27 1/2 inches long. He's remained in the 75th percentile since the day he was born. Length and head circumference are still 40th-50th percentile. I still don't see how that noggin' isn't in the 90th percentile, but whatev. Sam will have a visit with the pediatric neurologist next month to further examine the minor stiffness he has in his hips and legs. Doc didn't seem too worried about it and noted it was slight, but given the developmental specialist noticed it also, we are going to err on the side of caution because of the risk of cerebal palsy due to his extreme prematurity. Hopefully, the stiffness can be resolved with a little physical therapy and that will be the end of that. Other than that, Sam is doing splendidly. He's actually 2-3 months ahead of schedule in many areas, like picking up things like cheerios and raisins with his pincer grasp and understanding object permanence (that objects exists even though he can't see them). He's still lazy with the rolling over. He can do it when he tries. He just doesn't try that much.

Tuesday was my birthday and I spent it just how I wanted, a mellow evening at home. What more could I possibly want? I have the best little birfday present anyone could hope for. I ended up having to work for a few hours that day. When I got home, I scooped up my boy and asked, "How's the best lil gift ever?" He burped in my face. THANKS! I still think he's pretty neat :)

On Thursday, Uncle Frank made me his special Christmas chicken (with bacon and rosemary). Lots of wine was drunk, which made work the next day, not so pleasant. Especially when our plan was to take off for Chalet Sommerfield in Arnold Friday afternoon. Well, I could've powered through, but ended up leaving work later than expected, so our weekend got off to a late start. And it was a particularly stressful afternoon at work, so the martini HOTY made me when I got home to settle me threw me for a loop and I wasn't really in top packing form (that means tipsy). I felt completely overwhelmed trying to remember all the stuff I had to pack for Jr. Seemed much easier when we headed to Portland for some reason. We managed to get it together and get on the road by 8am Saturday morning. We met our peeps and hit the town. Our first stop was the tasting room for Hatcher Winery, one of our favorites in that neck of the woods. And it was Sam's first winery! We actually couldn't quite believe it took so long for us to get him to one. Anyhoo, we always do Presidents Day Weekend in those parts and as usual, it was a great time. Great friends, great food, awesome wine. Pretty much the perfect weekend. Oh! In addition to Sam visiting his first winery, he also got to see and play in snow for the first time! So much fun! He was so curious about it and loved grabbing and throwing it. I see lots of snowball fights in our future! Here's a pic of our little snow bear. If we had a dollar for every person that stopped us to say how cute he was, we would've bought a couple more cases of wine :-D Thanks, Auntie Sade for the bear suit!!

From Collages

Another first this week....Sam had yogurt, which went over well. He also had a turkey dinner. That did NOT go over so well. It was seriously the first time he made a face indicating what I was feeding him was completely foul, like crap on a spoon. So, we gave it to Domino and Sam went back to his blueberry yogurt.

So, the long weekend is over and it's back to the grind. Everyone have a great week!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Bizzy Bee

Been a busy couple of weeks for Jr.! Our social butterfly has been hittin' the streets! He started off last week visiting Daddy at work. He got to see all the THX Aunties that have been cheering for him since he was in the NICU. We made the rounds and I loved seeing Steve so majorly puffed up with pride to be showing off his son.

On the way home, we stopped in Sausalito to meet Sam's new friends, twins, Jonathan and Daniel. Sam made himself right at home and threw up on their couch. Their Mommy, Rachel, didn't mind much. Apparently, her house, like ours, is covered in vomit. Anyhoo, the twins are freakin' ADORABLE!! I'm super impressed with Rachel's bad ass mom-of-twin skills. I don't know how she does it, but she manages so well and still looks radiant. And skinny! I don't know how she had 2 babies and looks like that! I should probably hate her a little bit ;-)

Speaking of vomit, the other week, I saw Sam was about to hurl and when he did, I caught it in my hand. On purpose. Funny thing is, I wasn't even all that grossed out by it. Parenthood.

Anyhoo, back to the good times...On Friday nite, we had dinner with our good friends, the Boosts. Their son, Anton, was in the NICU while Sam was there and we forged a strong bond. It had been way too long since we'd seen them and was good to catch up. Last time we visited, Anton was way bigger than Sam, but the little dude is catching up now. It was funny to get them together and observe the way they regarded one another. Check 'em out. Major cuteness.

From blog photos
From blog photos

On Saturday night, the boys were feeling bromantic and decided to hit the town on a man date, so the gals did a girls night in. Auntie Maggie was on duty en la casa, It was one of those perfect, no make-up, comfy clothes wearin', girl talkin', hangin' out kinda nights. I don't think my hair was even combed and it was just fine. Children slept upstairs as we sat around the small kitchen table talking about life and stuff. Perfect way to spend an evening. Of course, I was happy to return home and slip into bed with my little angel sleeping next to me.

The next day it was Super Bowl time! As usual, I prepared pigs in a blanket. Can you ever go wrong with pigs in a blanket?? Anyhoo, It got a little loud for the boy in the house, so I retrieved his noise-reducing headphones from the car. He didn't seem to mind them much and was pretty chill. He had a good day and even managed to catch a quick nap spread eagle on the host's bed. Then, of course, he ended the evening by throwing up all over the left side of me, big time. Uncle Jim M was at the ready with a bunch of wet paper towels. The vomit was no longer seen, but still smelled. It made goodbye hugs slightly gross and unpleasant :-D

So, my birthday is coming up next week. The big 4-2. I thought about what Steve and I usually do on my birthday. Big production of a dinner a la French Laundry. I thought, hmmmm, be difficult to do hours and hours of cooking with a baby underfoot, but I don't even care. I'm not actually wanting anything more than I've got, the best birthday present ever. Though I guess another present is my break up with my nemesis, the pump. That's right, it's over. OVER, I say! After 9 months, I was ready to be done. I would've continued pumping until Sam's 1 year adjusted birthday despite only producing 2 oz/day, but now that we have a stash of breastmilk in the freezer from 2 incredibly generous moms, I've decided to throw in the towel. Huge thanks to you, Julia and Danielle! Under-producing moms like me applaud you! We are so grateful!

Sam has been having a blast lately having nekkid time. I spread a nice soft blanket on the bed, take off his diaper and just let him go. He kicks his legs like crazy and scoots all over the place. I think the air hitting his tushy feels good to him. This also seems to be the place he seems most inclined to do things like roll over from back to tummy and his latest hobby, putting his feet in his mouth. I guess those stretches we've been doing with him are working! That boy is getting limber! It's also like taking your dog on a run to tire it out. We start the fun around 7:15. Diaper goes back on around 7:45, he gets a bottle and then drifts off to sleep, as he's just plumb tuckered out. Like magic.

From blog photos