Friday, November 18, 2011

6 Month Check Up

Hello friends! Our boy had his 6 month check on Monday. His doctor is VERY happy with his progress. Sam was a robust 14lb 2 oz, which is in the 75th percentile. Fatty. Apparently he has a tiny noggin though. It's measuring in the 40th percentile. I don't understand how that can be cuz his head looks giant to me. Length is in the 50th. I'm sure that won't last long. Sam continues to sleep through the night. In fact, he's going to bed earlier and still sleeping through until 7 or 8. On my days off with him, I'm actually feeling rested. It's a miracle!
Sam also got his first Synagis shot last week. Um, he did NOT like it. Poor thing. One nurse held his legs down, while I held his arms. Another nurse gave him the shot in his thigh. It was ALOT of fluid going in and took a while to slowly get it in. Sam's face turned red and SCREAMED and cried. I felt like crap, like I was somehow doing it to him. I couldn't scoop him up fast enough when it was over. After some cuddles, he recovered pretty quickly. We had to wait around for 20 minutes to ensure he didn't have an adverse reaction. He didn't. During that wait, I fed him. I put him in the carseat and he was asleep before I made it to the parking lot. Sam will have 4 more shots and they have to be exactly 28 days apart. Next time, it will take 4 people to administer the shot, as the dosage will be increased and divided between 2 syringes. I and another nurse will hold him down, while 2 others nurses will give him separate shots in each thigh. He got more shots at his 6 month check. Poor little guy. It's tough being a baby.
Sam had a wonderful visit with his Grammy! What a joy to be around. I loved watching her interact with Sam. Just observing her showed me ways I could be a better mother. Such an inspiration. We'll look forward to another visit in the spring when Grandpa will come too. He was to come this time, but his recent knee replacement surgery has kept him sidelined. Grandpa sent an AMAZING DVD showing footage of the wedding of Steve's parents and of Steve and his brother, Erik, from birth to age 2. I guess documenting every little step of your child's life is not exclusive to those in the digital age. Good ol' 8mm did the trick back then. It was so neat to see Steve as a baby, with Sam looking so much like him, it's scary. I hardly have any pictures from my childhood and no video, so I cherish the gift Grandpa gave us. It's also a lesson to be more mindful in photographing Sam and shooting video so we can give him the same amazing gift that he can share with his children some day. Thanks, Grandpa. You're the best :)
On my way to work the other day, I felt a sharp pain in my chest, missing my Dad. It's funny how I'll be caught up in the whirling dervish of life and I'm feeling fine. Other days, it'll hit me like a ton of bricks all over again that he's gone and will not get to teach him important stuff like the art of the corny joke....... :::sigh::: I can only imagine the relationship he would've had with Sam. Sam would have had him wrapped around his little finger and my Dad would have enjoyed every minute of it. Of course, I will make sure Sam knows all about him, but it's just not the same.
We've discovered Sam has an awesome sense of humor! Lately, he thinks it's SUPER funny to have a blow out just as we're about to leave the house. There's a onesie of his, the very first item of clothing I bought him, that has Handsome Devil stitched on the front. The first time I put it on him, he threw up all over it on our way out and I had to change him. I put it on him last weekend and asked him to please not hurl all over himself and he agreed. Shortly thereafter, I heard artillery fire in his pants. When I checked him, he'd had a blowout that somehow left his pants clean, but he crapped up the side of his diaper and destroyed the onesie. THANKS, DUDE! I guess he's telling me he just doesn't want to wear that shirt. On Wednesday, I had to take Domino to get her stitches out. I got her in the carrier and into the car. Got Sam loaded up in his car seat and PPPPPPLEBBBBBHHHH. That's the sound of him doing his business. Geez, kid. Can you cut Mom a break?? The executive decision was made to graduate him to size 2 diapers. That seems to have cut down his clothes-destroying fun considerably. I think we've outsmarted him. For now, until his butt gets too big for his size 2s. By the way, it was loads of fun (seriously, it was hilarious!) having Domino and Sam both screaming in the back seat. Sam eventually quieted down. I think Domino's yowling freaked him out.
Check out Sam's latest trick!
Part 1

And Part 2

He got a bit of leverage being on the pillow, but the real deal can't be far behind!
It's already feeling like time with Sam is passing so quickly. Too quickly. The other day, he was in my lap, legs sprawled about, and he seemed like such a big boy. Now, when I'm holding him, it feels more like he's holding me too, as opposed to him just being on me. It's the most amazing feeling. On Thursday night, we were having play time. He likes to stand up, so we were doing a little of that. As he stood on my legs, I sang to him. He was mesmerized by my voice. Kinda funny, because I will never win any singing contests, despite my Rock Band acumen :-P He just looked into my eyes and never broke gaze, so I kept singing. Then I cradled him in my arms and sang some more. He still looked at me, like he wanted me to keep going. I bent down to kiss him. His eyelids fluttered, but he never took his eyes off me. I kept singing then bent to kiss him once more. His eyes closed and he slept soundly. I sang my son to sleep for the first time. Then came the tears. I looked at this little being so peaceful in my arms and wondered if it's possible he knows how deeply I love him. It was a special night.

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