Thursday, November 22, 2012



It's Thanksgiving! Seems like a good time to reflect and think about all we're thankful for, right? First and foremost, I (and I'm sure I can speak for Steve) am thankful for the joy that is Sam. He is healthy and happy (except for the current snotty nose). He's turned into this little person with an actual personality. I remember people used to say how serious he always looked (see Team Martz Christmas card 2011). He's now a smiley, funny little character. He is sometimes so sweet. Especially when he puts his little arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. I'm not sure there's any better feeling in the world. I still feel this way when he's driving me insane. His hug (and sometimes some wine) makes all the frustration disappear. Watching him learn new things is equally heartwarming and entertaining. Last night, I was sick and exhausted and he was refusing to eat, but then he tried to say blueberry and I just cracked up! Everything he says sounds so dang cute.

In addition to being super cute, he is also super smart. And I'm not just saying that! Before we went on vacation, Jr. had his check up with the developmental specialist. He was 14 months adjusted age at the time and was expected to test out at that age. Well, he far surpassed that. His language expression skills are that of a 19 1/2 month old. In almost every other area, he was testing closer to his chronological age of 17 1/2 months old. Impressive! There are a couple areas where he's still closer to his adjusted age. For instance, he is not wanting to transition to a sippy cup so much. I think we've bought at least 5 and he doesn't really like any of them. He's more interested in turning them upside down and shaking them. I learned this the hard way after giving him a sippy cup of milk in the car. However, I'm long past stressing about that sort of thing. I know he'll get it down in his own time.

Sam loves to dance. CUTE! He loves to clap his hands. CUTE! He is now an expert at what I call the bashful look. CUTE! He's a huge flirt and is always saying hi to random women wherever we go. He will come to us saying, "Book!", while trying to climb into our laps. Oh yeah, he's climbing like a monkey and likes to do things like jump up and down on the couch like a maniac before I can stop him. He says Dad and Dada all the time and knows Steve is the guy. Though it usually requires some prompting, he says Mama. He knows that's me, but for some reason just doesn't say it much. When he does though, it melts my heart. He knows who his Grandma is. When we were down south, I'd ask him, "Sam, can you say Grandma?" He wouldn't say it, but he'd crane his neck to see her wherever she was.

The not so cute stuff? Well, he's doing that fake whining/crying thing now. He'll sometimes cling to us saying, "Up!", then when we pick him up he wants to get down. He will do this over and over again. He also likes to have spaghetti legs and just fall out on the floor in tantrum mode. He is willful as all get out and gets a huge kick out of testing limits. He sometimes throws food and and likes to make that pbbbbtttttt sound that sends spit flying everywhere. This had me busy with paper towels and a bottle of hand sanitizer cleaning the waiting area at a recent doctors visit.

Despite all that, he is our perfect little boy and we are so very thankful for him. He brings his special brand of happy to our lives and we love him more than we ever could've imagined. I'm regularly astonished by how far he's come.

Baby boy, you are and will always be what we are most thankful for. We love you so much!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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