Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fell off the Wagon

More like leapt off the wagon. Screaming with joy! Went to the annual Champagne Gala at Beltramo's last night.  Spent 150 bucks on the non-refundable tickets before our adventures in babymaking started. We got to hang out with 2 of our favorite people on the planet, so I really didn't want to miss it. I also lifted the ban on prohibited items, namely, CHEESE!! A freakin' delicious Italian goat cheese was being served (have I mentioned I'm a cheese whore??) and I am NOT ashamed to say I took more than my fair share. Also, scored a few extra crab cakes. Oh, and the prosciutto!!!! Dear God!  I was in heaven!!
The bubbly was great.  I didn't overindulge. Probably had the equivalent of 2-3 glasses.  I did taste and dump instead of being the lush I usually am, guzzling every last drop of that sweet nectar.  Since I'm a bit of a lightweight, having been off the sauce for several weeks, that sort of behavior might've led to me being carried out and banned for life from Beltramo's. It's one of my happy places, so that would make me really sad.  Seriously, it just smells good in there, like used wine barrels. I was early, so I wandered the aisles gazing longingly at all the stuff I wanted to buy but didn't. I stopped to inhale the aroma. Ahhhhh.
My favorite bubbly of the night was the Dom Perignon, which believe it or not, was not the most expensive Champagne served. It had a lightness and softness about it while still having complexity. It's also a sentimental favorite as it makes me think of my Dad.  The day he retired, he picked up a bottle (he'd never had it before) and invited Steve and me over.  We toasted his 38 years at SFO. Then we used it to wash down our fried chicken.  From Safeway.  It was a great night and a memory I cherish. :::sigh::: I still miss his so so much.
The most expensive bubbly was this one: .  Dig the gold bottle? I wasn't crazy about this stuff.  Though it had the lightness I like, it did not have the complexity of the Dom, IMHO. The rep said it's becoming the new "statement" Champagne and you will probably see old dudes surrounded by 25 year old bimbos partying with it.  I'm sure rappers won't be far behind.
I stayed home from work today and am writing this in bed while my cat, Domino, tries to climb on me. Good practice for having kids hanging off me while I'm trying to do stuff.  Anyhoo, I'm waiting for my doc to call to see if I need to be seen today, My sinuses are a veritable cornucopia of gross, green mucus.  It's super disgusting.  TMI, I know.  Wait, what am I saying?  If you're reading this, you're on Period Watch 2009, so TMI is probably not of concern to you :-P
Speaking of Period Watch 2009, after my acupuncture appointment yesterday, Beth gave me some Chinese herbs to lure AF out of the shadows. I know that heifer is lurking.  If she doesn't make an appearance by Dec 2nd, we'll be benched until January, so hopefully this stuff will work.  I have to dump 4 grams into hot water and drink once in the morning, once in the evening.  I had my first cocktail last night and Beth was accurate when she said it tastes like dirt *-( Joy. Back when I was severely anemic and developed pica (makes you want to eat things that aren't food like dirt and ice), this might've tasted better than a martini to me.  Not so much now. Back then I had to eat several big gulp cups of ice daily.  I HAD to have it.  It was like crack and I was completely jonesin' for it. Fortunately, my iron levels are good now, so my addict days are behind me.
Steve just left for work and he's already been replaced in bed by 2 warm kitties. I'm sucking down orange juice, cuddling with the fur babies and about to catch up on my soaps. Despite the gobs of green mucus, this may be a nice day.

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