Saturday, November 14, 2009

Who Wants to be Stabbed?!

Cuz I'm an expert now! So, please form a single-file line and I'll get right to ya! The overwhelming intimidation I felt when first faced with giant ass box has POOF!  Disappeared! The measuring and mixing of some medications had me really nervous, but a little practice and it was a piece of cake.  I am so ready to do this, unlike the gal in my class that asked if she should keep her meds in the freezer. Another held the needle upside down and asked if a nurse would call her to remind her to take her meds. I guess for that much money, one might expect a conception concierge of sorts, but come on woman!

Since protein, rice and beans are on the Beth (the acupuncturist) recommended list of foods to eat, I got a burrito for the second day in a row.  No cheese, no sour cream.  Surprisingly, it was good! I'm a condiment whore, so I forget stuff can taste good without a bunch of junk piled on top of it.  Oh, also, I made Beth's banana smoothie this morning.  YUM!  All that protein really held me. I didn't start getting hungry again until about 3.

So now, we wait.  Wait for AF to show up. Still crampy off and on, but nuttin'.  I've never been so anxious to have a period in my life! I pray the next ultrasound is okay and we can get started here.
Many good things to look forward to tomorrow.  Yoga at 11.  Acupuncture at 12:30.  Best of all, hunny bunny is coming home!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss him so much, it's ridiculous.
Now excuse me while I wash down my prenatal vitamin with a non-alcoholic beer. Even though it's non-alcoholic, it still feels naughty somehow....

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