Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Art of Screaming

Sam is doing his damnedest (is that how you spell that??) to perfect this art. Last week was particularly fun. I love the whole screaming-for-no-good-reason thing. He, apparently, thinks he's got plenty of reason. You want to change my diaper? SCREAM!! You want to dress me? SCREAM!! The other day, I thought my skull might split in 2. I gobbled down 4 Advils. How is he not harming his own little brain and ears?? On Tuesday, I went to change his diaper. Unzipped his jammie jams and saw poop escaping the leg area. Fun stuff. In addition to all the screaming, he now loves to grab his junk, which means trying to put his little mitts in his crap when it gets smooshed upward. ::sigh:: I bet you think that's it, but it's not. He also likes to play bucking bronco on the changing pad. He's either totally chill and likes hanging out there or he completly loses his sh*t. Lately, it's more the latter. So, you can imagine how fun this diaper change was. In addition to the aformentioned leg hole leak, this giant poopage was about an inch from going up his back too. It took me like, 7 wipes to get him cleaned up. Had to be sure pee pee was clean and got all up in his chubs. All the while he's SCREAMING and thrashing about. I thought a demon had posessed him. GAH! He continued to vacillate between perfectly content or screamy for the rest of the day. Man, he's lucky he's really cute.
The next day was better. Jr. had a playdate with his darling buddy, Makenna. We were to go to story time at the Woodside library, but couldn't make it on time (who's ever on time with a baby??), so went to the park instead. There, cuteness was on full display as Sam rode the swing for the first time. Check him out.

He was very focused and seemed to be checking out the ground as he swung to and fro. Did you notice how he kicked his little legs? So CUTE! He loved it. His second time in, I played the I'm-gonna-get-you game as he swung towards me. He giggled every time. It was so awesome and so much fun for me too! He was plumb tuckered out after his park experience and took a 2 hour nap that afternoon. I decided to steal a little siesta alongside him. As soon as I fell asleep, the evil UPS man showed up with our diaper delivery. BLIMEY!!!! At least the boy continued his nap. I did laundry :-/
Sam wrapped up his week holding court at our local gastropub, Martins West. We were the first to arrive. While waiting for our party, a couple walked in with a baby in a carrier. The dad looked at Sam and me and we both put our arms in the air and yelled, "Baby in a bar! Baby in a bar!" It was hysterical!!! Sam got to hang out with some of his favorite peeps, The Yummys and Auntie Dayna. It was only his third or fourth time in a restaurant, I think. Fortunately, he didn't get us kicked outta the joint. Despite his previously displayed longing for beer, he stayed on the wagon. Sam was such a good boy throughout the evening. He was just kinda fascinated by all he saw. Lots of lights and new sounds. He liked standing up and looking out the window. A total people watcher.
On a completely different note, is anyone still completely bummed about the 49ers loss?? Man, I was already planning on taking Sam to the Super Bowl victory parade! Our dreams have been dashed. Thanks Kyle Williams for ruining my son's first Super Bowl! Okay, so Sam was more interested in all the sweet attention he was getting from his cutie pie cousins, Jada and Jenna, during the game but the rest of us were bummed. Man, what a way to go out after such a fantastic season. I was still depressed when we got home, so Steve being the dutiful husband he is, made me a martini in which to drown my sorrows. Bleh. Despite such a heartbreaking loss, I can't wait to see what our boys do next season. This season has been such an unexpected pleasure. They are on the brink of greatness. It's been far, far too long. Another by-product of the 49ers loss is the bet I lost. There is now a picture of me in a Giants shirt with a caption about what a loser I am on my Facebook page (Thanks, Dave!). I hope the Giants win it all anyway. I'm so over the machine that is the New England Patriots. Plus, I have alot of New York peeps and I don't want us all to be depressed! So, let's go Giants!

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