Tuesday, May 3, 2011

And He Shall Be Named....

Hello All! Between all the pumping and hospital visits, I haven't gotten my updates out. This will catch you up on all that's been happening with the boy.

Saturday, April 30 2011

Jr. continues to do so well despite his rough start in life. He's been off the ventilator since Friday afternoon. He's breathing air just like you and I do. He's just doing it in a combo sauna/tanning bed. He's wearing a little contraption over his nose called a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) to help him take deeper breaths to puff up his little lungs. Breathing is tough business for such a little dude, but he's up to the task.

Some have expressed disappointment in my recent lack of dietary commentary. Here's a quick one. Breffus still good. How can you go wrong with bacon and eggs?? Friday's lunch was not so great. Some kind of Asian noodle thing with pork. The pork was super tasty, but the noodles were bland. Ack! I conned my way into another delicious lamb chop dinner Friday night. It was from a special menu I was only suppose to be able to order from once. Since I changed rooms, they got all confused and I got a second shot. Wooo hoo! We were on a roll until last night's dinner. Some salty pork loin thing that failed miserably. Thankfully we had back up in the form of a salami sandwich and cheesecake delivered by Auntie Kris.

Steve continues to be Husband of the Year (heretofore known as Hoty, so we'll stick with that). Since I'm being sprung tomorrow , I need provisions. Hoty ran all over Palo Alto yesterday to procure a breast pump, a nursing bra and pads and NIPPLE CREAM. I got some some panicked texts from the drug store aisles while in search of maxi pads. "Kotex?? Always?????" I said, "Always!" "How many??", he asks. I said, "The biggest pack you can get!" Then he asks, "Purple or orange??" What???? I said, "Uh, orange??? Go Gators!" In the midst of all this, I was receiving texts from Auntie Kris, who was lost and trying to make her way to Mt. View. She let me know she was on El Camino and passing Stanford. Again. I'm glad I had recently popped some percocet. Otherwise my incision would've been killing me, I was laughing so hard!

Jr. heard his first lullaby last nite. It was the acoustic version of At Last performed by our dear friends Dan and Wandah that accompanied me down the aisle at our August wedding. Steve cued it up on his new iPhone (our other new baby) and played it through one of the incubator port holes. I think he loved it. I sang to our boy through tears as I realized how the lyrics now have a new meaning for me. My heart certainly was wrapped up in clover the night I saw him. Okay, crying again. I would say I gotta stop doing that, but somehow I think I will always be powerless to the all consuming love I feel for him that makes me such a softie.

We appreciate your continued prayers and well wishes!
Team Martz

Sunday May 1, 2011

So, I'm home. And while I'm thrilled to have clean hair again, leaving our little one behind in the NICU was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Felt like my heart was being ripped out. I loved being just down the hall from him. I was constantly in and out of the nursery, which was great. We're only 10 minutes away now, but it feels like 10 hours. I don't know how people who live a great distance from the hospital do it.

Trying to get settled in to the whole pumping madness. Seriously, it's a friggin' JOB. Every 3 hours. The factory officially opened for business on Sunday. My slacking left boob finally decided to join the party and I was off to the races. I'm glad I'm able to do this for Jr and feel that I'm contributing to his development even though he's no longer in my tummy.

Tuesday May 3, 2011

Jr. had a tough day yesterday. Breathing was very difficult for him. He had alot of episodes where he stopped breathing. Witnessing your child stop breathing is more than unsettling. And it happened as we were on our way out. Not how you like to leave things. We left feeling discouraged and sad. When we went back last night, he'd been switched to a different style of mask and was doing MUCH better. We were so relieved.

Today was a better day on all fronts. His breathing was good and he pooped! TWICE! There's been some concern about his digestive tract not moving things along so well, so this was great news! He was given a teeny, tiny sliver of a suppository and it did the trick. He was so impressed with his bad self, he decided to poop again while we were there. Show off. While the nurse changed out his bedding, Steve got to hold his son in his hands. I think he (Steve, not Jr.) held his breath the whole time. I could see the look of amazement in his eyes and it was beautiful. Speaking of eyes, Jr opened his quite a bit. We know he can't see us, but it sure looked like he was looking right at his Daddy while he was holding him.

Wait, wait! There's more! We didn't think the day could get any better, then Nurse Brigid told us I would get to hold him outside of his incubator. She got me situated in a chair, then she and another nurse orchestrated the move from incubator to my chest. I held our son for the first time. Hands down the BEST moment of my entire life. So tiny and so warm. He seemed very content and chill. He even made a couple of baby sounds we'd never heard before. It was amazing. I had to try very hard to keep it together and not cry all over him, I was so overcome with emotion. Once I got over my initial weeping, I just felt a peace like I'd never felt before.

So, the news you've all been waiting for! What did we name the boy?! Our son's name is Samuel Lamont Martz. We will call him Sam. So not what I thought we'd name him, but I had a moment that changed everything. We were in the nursery on day 2 of his life and I had this vision while gazing at him. I was at the back screen door at home and called out to this curly-haired boy, "Saaammmm!" He turned to look at me with big brown eyes. In that moment, in my mind, he was Sam. My heart instantly connected to the name in a way so powerful, it's hard to even describe. I looked at him and he even just looked like a Sam, you know? So now, we are 3, Team Martz - Steve, Stacey and Sam. Pretty cute, huh? :-D Lamont is, of course, in honor of my beloved Pop. I know he's looking out for his boy now. How proud he must be to have such a beautiful grandson that will carry on his name.

These coming months are going to be a roller coaster. We know it's going to be a 2 steps forward, one step back kinda thing, so keep Sam in your prayers. He's a tough little guy, but he can use all the good wishes he can get. Much love to you all.

Steve, Stacey & Sam

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