Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Things Are Looking Up!

Did I mention what a fantastic day yesterday was?? Well, it got even better. I returned for another visit in the afternoon with Auntie Maggie in tow (Sam's first visitor and confessed future kidnapper). We ran into the neonatologist on the way in. He advised that morning's ultrasound of Sam's head came back clear of brain bleeds. Brain bleeds are very common in preemies, especially the youngest ones. The more severe bleeds can cause conditions such as cerebal palsy and other developmental issues. These bleeds usually show themselves in the first week of life. If they don't show up by then, they are less likely to show up down the line. Sam's noggin' is lookin' good! The official radiology report wasn't in yet, but doc was confident of the results. Yay! I may just pass out from the happiness of all this good news!

This morning brought even more good news. Jr. is now tippin' the scales at 2lb 2oz!! I told Steve yesterday he looked a tiny bit plumper and I was right. Now that his digestive issues seem to be resolving, he is getting a bit of Mommy's liquid gold added to his IV diet. I've got a nice stockpile of popsicles waiting for him. And while we're on the subject, I have to give a shout out to my bud, Sade. She dropped off a bustier type garment that allows me to pump hands free. LIFE CHANGING!!!!!! I may just be pumping while writing this post! :-D

Also, we were in the NICU for morning rounds today. Doc confirmed no brain bleeds, which is unusual in a preemie so young. He said Sam is doing, "exceptionally well." Exceptionally well! He is VERY pleased with his progress. So much so, he's asked us several times if we were certain of the date of conception since the boy seems ahead of the curve. Consdering the very calculated orchestration it took to get him in my womb in the first place, yes, we are dead certain.

I had to pick up a prescription today. The pharmacy is on the same block as my face waxing expert. My face seems have enough errant hairs that Jr. may start mistaking me for his Daddy. Popping in seemed a wise decision. Also, if my eyebrows are fabulously groomed, perhaps it will distract people from these CANKLES I'm sporting. :::sigh::: My feet are so swollen, it looks like my toes could pop off at any moment. If you happen to be around me, you may wanna sport some protective eye gear. And I had the nerve to wear shorts! Doc says the fluid rentention should resolve itself in the next week. We shall see.

Had our nite nite visit with the wee one. Breathing wasn't as stable as earlier today, but the ups and downs are to be expected. Over all, he's still doing much better than expected.

Gotta give another shout out to my girls Debbie and Yonah! They both came by with delicious food today. With all the pumping, hospital visits and attempts to sleep (mostly unsuccessful due to constantly hearing the dings and bells from the NICU monitors in my mind 24/7), cooking has been a challenge. I didn't think it would be. I was so wrong.

Sam is officially 1 week old tonite! Happy Birthday to our sweet son!

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